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21.6.Special show KCHN ČR

judge: J.Kurišová(SK)

junior class - 3female in class

Big congratulations to owners, I´m proud !♥

22.06.2014 | Zobrazeno: 780×
Pretty Sweet


We have puppies


20.6. born five beautiful puppies in black-white color ♥


Jch.CH. Yamaha z Jasné hvězdy & Jch. multiCH. Armani Labas Rytas

1x PP female · 1x HHL female · 1x PP male · 2x HL male


more links "puppies"

Litter "B"

22.06.2014 | Zobrazeno: 860×
Pretty Sweet


Regional show

8.6.Lanškroun / judge: P.Řehánek(CZ) - Exc.1, Class Winner

Competition child and dog - 2.place

7.6.Rokycany / judge: Koštálová(CZ) - Exc.1, Class Winner

Competition child and dog - 1.place

08.06.2014 | Zobrazeno: 810×
Pretty Sweet


31.5 - 1.6. CACIB Nitra/Slovakia


intermediate - 16months

02.06.2014 | Zobrazeno: 830×
Pretty Sweet


30.5. CAC Senes/ Slovakia

judge: K.Radvanszky(HU)

intermediate class - 3females in class

started the Slovak Champion

Arllete Kiss

02.06.2014 | Zobrazeno: 861×
Pretty Sweet


17.5. RDS Plzen

judge: R.Mašková(CZ)

junior class - 3females in class

Arllete Kiss

17.05.2014 | Zobrazeno: 805×
Pretty Sweet


8.5. Regional show Stankov

judge: Polgar Andraš


junior class:

Arllete Kiss


intermediate class:

Á La Chivee

09.05.2014 | Zobrazeno: 859×
Pretty Sweet


4.5. IDS Prague

judge: G.Ridarčíková (SK) / junior class


daughter:Arllete Kiss  +  father: Collection of Chivas  +  daughter:Alaska Beauty

04.05.2014 | Zobrazeno: 867×
Pretty Sweet


3.5. Club show KCHN Prague

Judge: Miroslaw Redlicki (PL) / Junior class

Jájinka became CZECH JUNIOR CHAMPION ♥ ... I'm sooo proud, I'm happy !
Huge congratulations to owner !

Arllete Kiss



Contest generation - 1 place
mother-Laura Modry kvet
  son- Collection of Chivas z Andelovy dlane
granddaughter - Á La Chivee Pretty Sweet
granddaughter - Arllete Kiss Pretty Sweet
granddaughter - Alaska Beauty Pretty Sweet


03.05.2014 | Zobrazeno: 924×
Pretty Sweet


3.5. IDS Praha

 judge: Nemanja Jovanovic / Junior class- 13months

  • Sunward Helga "Daisy" - Exc.2 (4 females in class)

handler: Petra Pudová, thank you very much !


03.05.2014 | Zobrazeno: 857×
Pretty Sweet


27.4. IDS České Budějovice

judge: I.Vojteková (SK) / junior class

Arllete Kiss

27.04.2014 | Zobrazeno: 799×
Pretty Sweet


Litter "A"

Successful day for our girls

junior class - 14months:


19.4. Regional show Dětřichov

judge: L.Ubrová (CZ)

  • Multi.Jch. Á La Chivee Pretty Sweet - Exc.1, Junior Class Winner


19.4.Regional show Praha

judge:K.Hořák (CZ)

  • Alaska Beauty Pretty Sweet - Exc.1, Junior Class Winner

19.04.2014 | Zobrazeno: 791×
Pretty Sweet

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